The Lenten Tourney, Lancaster Castle

The Lenten Tourney, Lancaster Castle

Single Foot Combat

The Lancaster Bow, Archery

Single Mounted Combat,- losers horses as the prizes.

The Great Easter Joust for the Golden Cross.

Sir Chester de Drawers against Lord Farthingdale.  

Lord F, in his Grandfather's armour, is effective.  He invested in extra sustained skills and it tells.

Within four rounds Sir Chester is down and received a proper walloping.

Sir Desmond vs Sir James Coxpole.  Jim is the man!

Desmond mace is good across the board, but the sword sustains well.  A win for Sir James with 3 favour dice.  Sir Desmond plays to the crowd to win one.
No tapestry pictures of the Archery I'm afraid!  A win for Sir Chester 36 to 33. Lord F has poor bow skills!

The Joust, below the walls of Lancaster Castle.

Lord Waldridge Vs Sir Chester.

A broken lance

Sir Chester wins 4 lances to three.

And onto the Mounted combats.  Sir Desmond vs Sir Chester.  Desmond swings a morning star.  He is Mighty!

Within two rounds Chester is down to two vitality points.  Face that man Desmond on  a horse?  No chance. 

Desmond knocks him from his horse.

Chester is down and the walloping with that morning star continues. 

Wat the bald Squire leads Sir Chesters horse to safety.  He loses it as part of the rules of this Tourney.

And with very little Christian Mercy Sir Desmond of Ravensworth crushes Sir Chester.   That has to hurt...

Sir Roger vs the Savage McGurk, a Scotchman.  Both are sword armed.

And The McGurk is off his horse almost immediately.

But he's up again and swinging. It's a far more even fight.

The end of the Lentern Tourney.  Sir Roger puts down his opponent.  A far more even fight than it appears.

Things Learned

Standardise the stats card to make them as simple as possible to read.

I will lengthen the archery green, to enable players to bowl their dice towards the targets.  Great fun.
A few more matched Knights eould be useful, foot and mounted with the same shield heraldry.  
Whilst the mace wasn't too successful the morning star was a killer.  Need to try a spread of weapons out for variety.


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