Uriah of Gelderland's Guide to Good Jousting

Canter to the lists.  Opposite ends of the tilt.

Initiative test
D10 + AGL + Horses Agl and modifiers = Winner
Highest score moves off first
Repeat at the start of each pass

D5 + Horse's Movement
Players alternate until the fronts of both bases draw level.
Crossing the midpoint of the tilt = +1 Str
Plus re roll one JST dice.

Combine JST with Lance JST = Dice pool
Highest dice = a clean hit  (Wins 1 point)
Opponent must make a stability test.
A tie is an even pass

Standard - no changes
Accurate - +1 JST  -1 Str
Thrust -     +1 Str   -1 JST
For solo play I recommend a random draw.

Broken Lances and Critical Success
A clean hit on D 10 = Lance breaks.  2 points
Lose must make stability roll
D 10 + Agility + horse's stability + modifiers.  Pass on d6
Fail and opponent makes Strength test.  8+ and knocked from horse.

Knocked from your Mount
Take a Strength test.  6+ and you shrug if of and remount.
Fail and the Knight is injured.  Roll on injury table.  5 or less is out of the Tournament.


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