The House of Gelderland

Gelderland has one Knight, housed at the Waldridge Moat House.

Lord Hugh de Farthingdale of Waldridge

Str 1, Alg 0, Cha 0, Arc 0, Mov 4, Vit 9.
CHG 1, SUS 2, CTR 1, DEF 1, JST 2, ARM 2.
CHG 1, SUS 2, CTR 1, DEF 0

CHG 3, SUS 0, CTR 0, DEF 0, JST 2
Palfrey, Stability +2, Movement 7

Lumley Castle
2nd Prize -  One on one Foot combat, Regional Tournament
2nd Prize the Lumley Joust
3rd Prize the February Frozen Feathers foot combats at York 

Totals to date:

5 Bonus Experience Points, 
15 Prestige Points, 
10 Gold  

The House Banks 20 Gold.


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