Uriah of Gelderland's Guide to Archery

As a way to include figures in the Archery game I decided I needed a range.  

Foam board base
Green Blaize felt
Archery targets.
A large print of the target to use with map tacks converted into arrows.
A print of the Archery tables directly onto the range.

In size this is 22 inches, by 9, or 2 x A4 sheets end on.

The Archery Contest.

Each competitor faces off against one of the others. 

A match lasts three rounds.

Three arrows per round. 

Dice against the tables,  aiming for either the black, blue, red or yellow bands.

Competitors can add their ARC stat.

A natural 1 always misses.  

A dice landing off the green Blaize also misses, whizzing away into the spectators.  Do it three times and you will be disqualified. 

A dice that ends up cocked breaks the bow string, or perhaps snaps the bow, giving the archer a muscle strain and knocking him out of the competittion.  Those last two are my own addons...

My Range for the February
Frozen Feathers Tourney,
Complete with snow...
Add the points of each round.  The highest is the winner.
In a draw shoot one more arrow in a sudden death shot.

Splitting the Arrow 

A skilled archer, or braggatt, who loses may attempt to split the winners arrow. 

A modified 10+ will split the winners arrow and steal the points of whichever of his arrows you aim for, earning you a favour dice and the approval of the crowd. 

Failing to split the arrow will earn you scorn and rude names from the crowd.

It's a risk and reward game, where if you overreach yourself you can fail, but playing too cautiously can also let you down. 

Lastly I decided that in any English Archery Competition a few master Yeoman Archers, or perhaps disguised notorious outlaws, would also compete.   Instead of the standard 8 competitors I will use 12, the additional 4 being Yeoman Master Archers.  A Knight who defeats someone with an ARC +4 stat deserves his victory.


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